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The JsonUpdateRequest class is used to receive request sent using the onJsonUpdate event handler to a custom end-point so that changes made in the UI can be applied via an external API


public class JsonUpdateRequest


    public string PrimaryKeyName { get; } // Name of the property containing the primary key value

    public object PrimaryKeyValue { get; } // Primary key value

    public EditMode EditMode { get; } // Enum with values of Insert, Update or Delete

    public Dictionary<string, object> Changes { get; } // Dictionary of changes keyed on property name



Below is an example of usage of the JsonUpdateRequest class in an end-point that takes the information passed to it and builds the relevant sql statements to apply the changes.


public async Task<IActionResult> OnPost([FromBody] JsonUpdateRequest jsonUpdateRequest)


    string message = "";

    bool success = true;


    using (var conn = new SqliteConnection(_connectionString))


        string sql = string.Empty;

        var paramValues = new DynamicParameters();

        switch (jsonUpdateRequest.EditMode)


            case EditMode.Update:

                string set = string.Join(",", jsonUpdateRequest.Changes.Keys.Select(k => $"{k} = @{k}"));

                paramValues.Add($"@{jsonUpdateRequest.PrimaryKeyName}", jsonUpdateRequest.PrimaryKeyValue);

                foreach (string key in jsonUpdateRequest.Changes.Keys)


                    paramValues.Add($"@{key}", jsonUpdateRequest.Changes[key]);


                sql = $"update products set {set} where {jsonUpdateRequest.PrimaryKeyName} = @{jsonUpdateRequest.PrimaryKeyName}";

                message = "Product updated";


            case EditMode.Insert:

                string columns = string.Join(",", jsonUpdateRequest.Changes.Keys.Select(k => $"{k}"));

                string values = string.Join(",", jsonUpdateRequest.Changes.Keys.Select(k => $"@{k}"));


                foreach (string key in jsonUpdateRequest.Changes.Keys)


                    paramValues.Add($"@{key}", jsonUpdateRequest.Changes[key]);


                sql = $"insert into products({columns}) values({values})";

                message = "Product added";


            case EditMode.Delete:

                paramValues.Add($"@{jsonUpdateRequest.PrimaryKeyName}", jsonUpdateRequest.PrimaryKeyValue);

                sql = $"delete from products where {jsonUpdateRequest.PrimaryKeyName} = @{jsonUpdateRequest.PrimaryKeyName}";

                message = "Product deleted";






            conn.Execute(sql, paramValues);


        catch (Exception ex)


            message = ex.Message;

            success = false;



        var products = await conn.QueryAsync<Product>("select * from products;");

        return new JsonResult(new JsonUpdateResponse { Success = success, Message = message, DataSet = products });







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